Sunday, March 27, 2011

Final Poster Text

The Basis of my geometry was taken from feathers.
The main role for feathers is for insulation. The body temperature of a bird sits at around 40°c, it is believed that the insulating effect behind feathers was the driving force behind their evolution.

This idea of feathers as an insulator to their host is what I based my geometry around.
My geometry is created with overlapping qualities, similar to how feathers overlap and have many layers to achieve their purpose. The geometry for the model is based loosely on the overall form of a feather and the link between my geometry and my chosen concept, is the idea that feathers are used largely for protection and insulation.

With the concept of creating geometry based on the insulating properties of feathers, I had to decide how the iterations for my model were going to be created.
The main iterating component was to come from a surface divide across a lofted surface created from four seperate curves. The number of divides both length ways and width ways were to be controlled using sliders. I.e. the less divides means less overlapping of geometry and less objects created across the surface.
The scale of the base geometry to be layered across the surface was to be controlled using a slider also, therefore the higher you move the slider, the larger the base geometry becomes and visa-versa.

The third iteration was to be created using a slider also. This slider modified the overall height or thickness of the object across the surface, giving it more or less shape. This iteration was overall the most pleasing and successful as it satisfied the initial concept of feathers as an insulating members and giving the geometry thickness relates directly back to insulation. (refer to renders ‘2’ and ‘8’).

Iteration number 4 was created using a slider to edit the initial objects rotation along its x-axis. Rotating the geometry along the x-axis opens up the overall structure revealing the tube-like inside. This iteration was relevant to feathers and their properties as insulators, where in a cold climate, down is grown for warmth, the opening of my geometry opposes this idea as it would be used in a warmer climate.
The result created from this made for pleasing geometry and nice renders. (refer to renders ‘4’, ‘6’ and ‘8’).

Having a slider that edited the position of the first curve of the lofted surface on which my geometry was laid, effected the overall length of the structure, relating it to its protection properties, I was looking at it in way that it reacts to the weather, therfore it grows longer as the weather worsens, protecting those seeking shelter beneath it.
Refer to render ‘11’ for a lengthened geometry.
Some factors that I constantly had in mind as I was creating these forms was why are the iterations doing what they are doing? To fulfill this question I wanted to create an object that was to resemble a covered walkway or bridge.
The bridge or walkway to was to react to the changing weather around it, the climate, the number or occupants etc.
This concept relates directly to my initial extracted geometry of feathers. As climates and weather changes, feathers change to adapt to these changes to insulate or protect the host bird accordingly.
My bridge, or walkway, has extracted the way feathers are layered across a surface and the way feathers are grown and react to different situations, whether it be climate directly, or any other factor.

Overall I believe that feathers have given me an interesting concept of which to base my modelling around and has delivered some pleasing geometry and nice renders.

Chris Stringer 2011
Benv 2426



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